Sedona 30 contributed $46,000 to initiate the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) program in Sedona schools, and provided underwriting for LIVE at the Sedona Performing Arts Center, a series of concerts that brought live touring, professional entertainment to Sedona. Sedona 30 also granted $3,000 to Sedona Charter School, $2,500 to the Hummingbird Society for website construction, and $2,000 to the Sedona Food Bank.
In 2013 alone, Sedona 30 provided 27 scholarships totaling $30,000 to local students, and contributed $18,000 to Big Park Community Schools for the music program, $18,000 for a physical education program at West Sedona School, and $14,100 for counseling services at Red Rock High School.
In 2018, Sedona 30 contributed $16,000 to Red Rock High School for musical instruments and over $54,000 to the Sedona Performing Arts Center for enhanced stage lighting and a handheld wireless microphone system.
Our commitment to Sedona continues in our ongoing efforts to make it a place everyone can be proud to call home.
Source: Sedona 30 Meeting Minutes & Agendas