Jody Beeler
Jody Beeler was born and raised in Sedona, the son of Sharon and Joe Beeler, co-founder of the prestigious Cowboy Artists of America, and a famous cowboy artist. Jody graduated from Northern Arizona University with Bachelor of Science degree in radio and television announcing and performance. A brief run in radio broadcasting turned 180 degrees into surgical and medical video production when an internship was offered at the Arizona Heart Institute. Starting at the ground level and working on a world-class video production team at the Arizona Heart Institute and the heart and lung transplantation team, Jody got valuable experience quickly, being part of the first heart transplant surgery on live television and public television. A career in surgical and medical video production was hatched. Jody worked with the likes of world-famous cardiac/cardiothoracic surgeons Edward B. (Ted) Diethrich in Phoenix, Michael DeBakey in Houston, and Hillel Laks, of the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, to name a few.
W. L. Gore & Associates, a Fortune 500 company located in Flagstaff, AZ, provided the next 15 years of wonderful experience. Gore’s Medical Products Division sent Jody to all corners of the globe with surgical and medical video productions for marketing and implantation of more than 500 implantable surgical devices made by the Gore company out of the same material used in Gore-Tex Clothing, and later in stents and other endovascular devices.
After retiring from W. L. Gore & Associates, Jody continues to be extensively involved with Western Art and the Western Art Community and the Joe Beeler Legacy, as well as being President of the Dry Creek Arts Fellowship (DCAF).
Jody has served The Sedona 30 as its President, and as Chairman of the Sedona Miracle, the Scholarship Committee, and the Grants Committee.
Jody and his wife of 38 years, Monica, live in Sedona and have a grown son John.