by sedona30_6j04ds | Feb 19, 2022 | Member Bios
Don Nelms Don Nelms was born in Inspiration Arizona. He graduated in 1979 from Northern Arizona University, Phi Kappa Phi, with a BS in Biology and a BS in Medical Radiography. His academic achievements included the 1979 N. A. U. Academia Award and a 4.0 Grade Point...
by sedona30_6j04ds | Feb 1, 2022 | Member Bios
Jody Beeler Jody Beeler was born and raised in Sedona, the son of Sharon and Joe Beeler, co-founder of the prestigious Cowboy Artists of America, and a famous cowboy artist. Jody graduated from Northern Arizona University with Bachelor of Science degree in radio and...
by sedona30_6j04ds | Nov 22, 2021 | Member Bios
Bill Spring Bill is a licensed attorney and an Honors Graduate of the University of Wisconsin. He is a former regional bank board member with Security S&L, later Security Bank, Milwaukee. He is a former NASD licensee as both a general and financial principal for...
by sedona30_6j04ds | Apr 30, 2021 | Member Bios
Robert Porter Robert C. Porter (Bob) is a respected leader in the home building and real estate development industries, with years experience as a successful corporate executive, financial manager and entrepreneur. Bob was born and reared in Washington, DC, and holds...
by sedona30_6j04ds | Aug 27, 2020 | Member Bios
Lew Hoyt Lew went to the University of Southern California on an athletic scholarship, and was Captain of the USC track team for two years. He was one of the first athletes in the world to high jump over 7 feet. He won the National Collegiate Championship in the...